"Urban Waterfall"
In wilderness I sense the miracle of life,
and behind it our scientific accomplishments fade to trivia.
~ Charles A. Lindbergh
Like many things in New York City, Central Park's history is a complex one. It's meaning and importance relative to the person reporting it. Heralded as a fantastic feat of engineering and urban planning by some and the very cause of relocation and uprooting for others. Its size and audacious nature match the surrounding city. In many ways the park is both more and less than it seems, totally unnatural even in its nature. No matter how one feels about its origins or its purpose however, its notoriety is undisputed. It is the most visited urban park in the United States receiving approximately 35 million visitors annually,* has been a National Historic Landmark since 1963, and is one of New York's most iconic attractions.
Because the original soil was not fertile or substantial enough to sustain the planned fauna and trees, over 18,500 cubic yards of topsoil were transported from New Jersey. While almost all of the landscaping and fauna was transplanted from outside of the city, the waterfalls were created naturally by glacial erratics,* or large boulders dropped by repeated covering and subsequent recession of glaciers over the lands geological history.
I stumbled upon this waterfall as I wound my way through the park on a spring morning. It's a surreal feeling to walk five minutes from the bustling streets of one of the world's largest urban centers, and suddenly it all fades and disappears as you sit next to the rushing water of a glacial rock-formed waterfall. As one "soaks" in the natural perfection of this scene it is hard to be quite as impressed by the creations of man and science. And the juxtaposition of the park with the very essence of science and technology that is New York City only magnifies this reality for me. The park is a necessary respite for those of us that sometimes find ourselves caught in the hectic pace of this amazing, yet unforgiving city, and a treat for any visitor looking to experience a little nature in this land of concrete and steel.
I used a slow shutter speed (1 second) to create the silky effect on the water. To compensate for the glaring sun I reduced the ISO to its minimum setting and stopped down on the aperture.
Interesting facts about Central Park :
Around 1,600 working-class and poor residents, most free African Americans or immigrants of English and Irish origin were evicted under the rule of eminent domain in 1857 before construction on the park could begin.#
In 2005 the Real Estate value of Central Park was estimated to be $528,783,552,000.^
The annual operating budget of the park is over $25 Million.*
The park has its own Police Precinct which employs regular and auxiliary police. Safety measures now hold the number of crimes in park under 100 per year down from approximately 1,000 per year in the early 1980's.*
# Peter H. Rossi, Down and Out in America: The Origins of Homelessness, University of Chicago Press, 1989, via wikipedia
^ Robledo, S. Jhoanna; "Central Park: Because We Wouldn't Trade a Patch of Grass for $528,783,552,000" NYMag.com, December 18, 2005, via wikipedia